ContentQual®  is Avram Turing’s Startup: a website that curates trending content found in the World Wide Web (Web), amplifying quality content and adding friction to low quality content.

Users can browse summaries of trending articles and see links to the full content on the Web.  Articles are sorted based on our score (rating) or our label of the content. ContentQual analyses content using Avram Turing’s Global-OAQ®  process, a hypothesis-driven online intervention.

Our approach helps online social media platforms transition from an algorithmic engagement ranking of content to a ranking method that prioritizes information quality. his would present social media users with ‘algorithmic choice’ as the users can decide how content on their newsfeed is organized.


We were pleasantly surprised to find that our approach to online content rating and ranking is in line with the solution proposed in 2019 by Dr Stephen Wolfram to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Communication, Technology, Innovation and the Internet.

This expert testimony validates our approach to online content ranking:



The Global-OAQ

The Global-OAQ is a system (and method) for online content analysis, a descriptive tool. Web-based information (articles, commentary etc.) is analysed then scored based on criteria designed to evaluate the quality of analytical content. Content is then categorised as ‘analytical’ /‘non-analytical’ or ‘un-analysable’. Further labelling of the intrinsic nature of the content (e.g. ‘satire’ ‘political’ ‘scientific’) and users’ (content consumers) ratings completes the process. When applied to Web browsers and online social media platforms the rating produced by the Global-OAQ can help users discern quality content and engage more analytically with other users.

At the heart of the Global-OAQ solution is the belief that analytical thinking is essential to combating information disorder and the lure of echo chambers, while upholding freedom of speech.