Three Guiding Philosophies in Our Work

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Three guiding philosophies drive the work that Avram Turing analysts do:

  1. Wittgensteinian
  2. Ubuntu
  3. ‘Harm Principle’

These three approaches are critical: a focus on facts, upholding freedom of speech and the importance of working together with all stakeholders (civil society, social media companies, educational institutions and governments), for misinformation prevention and analysis.

  1. Ludwig Wittgenstein was an Austrian-British philosopher. His 1922 book Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus states that the real word is made up of facts. And what can be stated or written down can be articulated clearly. Any proposition devoid of facts is meaningless. Certain concepts are unsayable: they could be mystical or simply too controversial and devoid of facts or can’t be verified, such things should be left unsaid or unwritten: they can only be shown or revealed.
  2. ‘Ubuntu’ is an African term for humanity, commonly articulated as “I am because we are” its emphasis is on the mutual dependence of humanity, we are all stakeholders in each other’s wellbeing and for the progress of mankind so we must work together.
  3. The ‘harm principle’ is a principle for the protection of liberty. As articulated by the British thinker John Stuart Mill in his 1859 essay On Liberty. The ‘harm principle’ states that the only instance a person’s liberty (or speech) can be forcibly censored is to prevent harm to others. If there’s no direct or indirect harm to others, no attempt should be made to restrict the freedom of speech.